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Monday, October 14, 2013

Episode 80: Beano (Part 1): Edit before (you film) or Have me find your grammar problems me after (it airs on television)

The ad asks a question, and I use that phrase loosely, which is better suntan lotion before or sunburn cream after? The ad promotes the concept "Beano Before" and their will be no gas. Beano before what? Obviously you are supposed to take the Beano tablet before you eat your be meal. The subject is implied.

The question of "suntan lotion before or sunburn cream" after is also terrible.  Most of the time people don't think that they will burn from being out in the sun for a short period of time. Sometimes gas sneaks up on you.

A tablet of prevention or a glassful of cure.

Why not a picture of a balloon busting? How about a glass that produces gas, a glass that produces gas with a Beano Tablet in it, and a third where you have to poor in the gas reliever after the gas is formed?

I have two more classic Beano ads to follow.

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