"In Alaska your vacation just goes farther. And higher." Even if they said "In Alaska your vacation goes further, and higher' the grammar is incredibly poor.
Starting a sentence with a preposition is awkward. With a preposition starting a sentence can be very awkward. They end the same sentence, or thought, by saying that vacations go farther. I think we might travel greater distances to vacation in Hawaii. Mount McKinley is the highest mountain on the North American continent. It is not the highest point in the world. Your Alaskan vacation is no further tah your nearest airport.
Anytime a modifier is used it must have something to modify. Bluer than the bluest eyes. Higher than the top of the world.Farther than you have ever previously traveled. I have traveled to Tahiti, so I think that I will have to either travel around the world or at least as far as Australia and New Zealand.
An Alaskan vacation will take you to new heights.
Come to Alaska to chill out. (Okay, that ends in a preposition where slang has almost made it proper.)
You can go further and higher on your Alaskan vacation.
Find your wild side in untamed Alaska.
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