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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Episode 73: Scottrade: I speak like me - the sequel(s.)

Notice the "I Trade Like Me" commercial link in the
 lower right hand corner of this screen-shot.
I commented on the Scottrade commercial where they say "I don't trade like everybody else, I trade like me"  this past June. Today, I went to their website and found the newest version of the "I Trade Like Me" commercials.

Notice the last line from the homepage under the
"I'm With Scottrade" tag-line.
"Why wait?" or their version "What are you waiting for?"
The new commercial has a spokesperson/actor saying "I get one view of my bank and brokerage easily move my money when I need to."  Again, I'll say it is not a good idea to end a sentence a preposition with. All the actor had to say was " easily move my money when I need it." Changing "to" to "it" changes it from a sentence with poor grammar to one that has good grammar.

I have also written in previous posts that using a tagline with improper grammar is wrong (See my "Get You Chef Together" column.

I found a second problem with the advertising campaign while visiting the website. They are using the hash-tag #ITradeLikeMe. They are using bad grammar in their hash-tag in an effort to reinforce their bad grammar

I found a third incidence of bad grammar while researching their website. They say "What are you waiting for" in an attempt to spur someone into action.

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